All work must be original, well conceived, and expertly executed by hand or with appropriate tools by the Exhibiting Artist. Works from commercial kits or other commercial methods are prohibited. Studios producing works in mass volume are not eligible for entry. At the discretion of the jury and the Festival Director, small organizations producing handcrafted work may be eligible with the required attendance of a member of the production staff who is knowledgeable in all aspects of the craft.
Crozet Arts & Crafts may inspect booths onsite to ensure adherence to rules and standards. Individuals selling work that is not their own or otherwise misrepresenting their products or themselves are not welcomed and are requested to refrain applying. Exhibitors found not to be in compliance at the very least will be asked to remove unacceptable items, and risk forfeiture of all rights as an Exhibitor. This includes closure of their booth for the remainder of the Festival with no refund of fees.
Only Exhibitors accepted in the jewelry category, regardless of medium may exhibit or sell jewelry. Jewelry is not accepted in any other category (exception for approved displays totaling less than 10% of total merchandise).
No machine-tooled, machine-screened patterns or miscellaneous forms of mass production are permitted.
Collaborative Work
Collaborating artists are defines as two (2) or more artists who work together on any piece of art. Collaborative work is regarded as one entry and should be submitted as a joint application. If accepted, collaborating artists may only exhibit work that is collaborative.
Multiple Categories
Artists may only exhibit and sell work in the medium to which they are accepted. Artists may only submit a single application.
Photographic and Reproduction Policies
Photographic and Digital Art prints must be made from the artist’s original negative or digital file under the artist’s supervision. A reproduction is defined as any existing work of art (such as a painting, watercolor, drawing, photograph, etc.) that is copied by digital or photographic means and printed on an offset press, a serigraph press, or through a computer by means of an ink jet or electrostatic printer. This definition includes giclees and reproductions with additional enhancement by the artist.
Exhibitors must disclose the edition numbers for works produced in editions. All prints must be on archival paper, and numbered and signed by the artist on the front of the piece. All two-dimensional artwork must be appropriately framed or matted and must be displayed on a suitable panel or in a portfolio or stand.
Attendance is Required
With the exception of reasonable breaks, Exhibitors are required to be present during the entire Festival and must personally staff their exhibit space (volunteer booth-sitters will be present as available). No agents, dealers, or representatives may attend in place of the Artist. Exhibitors who sell their entire body of work must remain with their booths for the duration of the festival. Event is rain or shine, no early departures permitted. Exhibitors who break down displays or depart before closing time on any day of the festival will not be allowed to return the following day or to future shows unless proof of an emergency is presented.
Check in and Unloading
Check-in is 10am-6pm the Friday of the Festival weekend and 7:30-8am on Saturday. Exhibitors may arrive at any point during this time and must check-in and receive information and a parking pass prior to unloading and setting up. All booths must be set up and ready by 8:30am on Saturday for the Fire Marshall inspection.
Booth Spaces
Booth spaces are located under two pavilions and outdoors in the festival field with all protection provided by the Artist. Each Exhibitor will be provided a space measuring approximately 10×10, 15×10, or 20×10 feet. The Pavilions do NOT have side-walls. Exhibitors, particularly those with booths along the outer sides of the structures, are encouraged to bring additional protection in case of inclement weather. Clean white tarps or other booth sides may be roped, bungeed, or zip-tied to the pavilion structure. Booth assignments are at the sole discretion of the festival and are not interchangeable. Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival will attempt to honor specific location requests, but can make no guarantees.
Payments and Fees
The $35 ($45 for paper applications) application fee is due with the Exhibitor application - applications will not be processed until this fee has been cleared. Upon being invited to one or both Festivals, you must send a deposit of $150 to confirm your acceptance to the show/s. This deposit will be applied to your last show of the year: if you are at both shows, the $150 will go towards your fall booth fee; if you are only in the spring show, the deposit will be credited to your spring booth fee. Remaining booth fees will be invoiced. Applications through zapp may pay the application fee via zapplication or send a check. All other fees may be paid via check or with a credit card through Square. See Payments page for details and Application page for important dates.
The Commonwealth of Virginia requires the Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival to provide sales tax forms to all artists and to provide the state with a complete listing of participating Exhibitors. Exhibitors should review the tax information and submit directly to the Department of Taxation.
Artists are responsible for providing all booth structures, racks, tables, chairs, display units, and other fixtures suitable for outdoor use and constructed to withstand crowds and wind. Artists are responsible for ensuring that structures are properly secured especially in the case of rain or wind. All structures must be secured by the use of substantial weights. Stakes are allowed in Festival Field as long as they do not damage the field or leave lasting holes.
Artists are responsible for proper insurance and protection of work and structures. The Festival is not responsible for damage to work or structures due to weather or unrelated incidents. Each artist is responsible for his/her own display in case of damage or loss. Artists will be held liable for any damage made by their tents or structures.
All artwork must be set up within the booth space. No art is to be displayed outside the allotted booth space. All aisles must remain free and clear: booth items, furniture, etc. extending into the aisles will be removed. Exhibitors on perimeter locations may not expand sellable wares beyond the tent sides. Neat and organized placement of stock, packaging, etc. outside the tent will be permitted.
300 watts of electricity per 10x10 space is provided to all Pavilion Exhibitors at no extra charge. Two outlets will be allocated per 10x10 booth space. Electrical use will be inspected by the Albemarle County Fire Marshall prior to the show opening. Common household extension cords, relaying multi-outlet converter cords, and tangled cords snaking through the booth are not acceptable and may be subject to removal. Exhibitors must politely adhere to all instruction from the Fire Marshall regarding electrical set up. See Booth Information page for best practices information regarding electrical set up and usage.
Any Exhibitor may - and is encouraged to! - demonstrate their craft in their booth space during the Festival (with the exception of demonstrations involving fire safety violations or other hazards). Featured Demonstrations must be arranged with the Festival Director and may be eligible for reduced booth fees.
Images from accepted and wait-listed artists may be used for promotional purposes. Credit will be given wherever possible. Learn more about participating in our advertising campaigns!
Smoking and Pets
There is no smoking at the Crozet Arts and Crafts Festivals. Well-behaved, leashed pets are permitted.